zaterdag 17 oktober 2009

TPACK - T what?

The TPACK model (see fig. 1) is a model that has been developed to assist teachers in developing course materials, and is based on the following concepts: content knowledge (CK), pedagogical knowledge (PC) and technological knowledge (TC). The main thing to remember is that it is aimed at teacher knowledge. Furthermore, the three concepts cannot be viewed in isolation, the interaction between them is equally important. The aim of the TPACK model is to view technology as an integral part of teaching and learning, rather than an add-on. In the paragraphs below I will give a brief explanation of the different concepts.

CK refers to the knowledge the teacher has on the subject. A teacher needs to have full command on the subject, to be able to make appropriate choices on pedagogy and technology to develop a successful course. PK is related to the knowledge of student learning and thinking. This involves all aspects of learning, including assessment and the like. TK refers to knowledge on technology, which has to be seen a developmental as especially digital technology changes so fast nowadays.

As stated, the different concepts are closely related: PCK involves linking the choices on teaching to the content, or in other words, make the content accessible for students. TCK refers to the influence of technology on content and vice versa. For example; the development of technology has led to different insights in subject areas and thus leads to new opportunities. On the other, the content may constraint the use of certain technologies. Thus this relation offers both opportunities and constraints. TPK is mainly aimed at understanding how the use of technology influences the way of teaching and learning. This is in view of technology integration rather than technology as a add-on.

TPACK then is the interrelation between all these concepts. It will be different for every specific context and cannot just be transferred from one context to another. Every context demands its own combination of TPACK. And of course, one cannot exclude the context the course is developed in. This involves things such as the organizational constraints, entry requirements, prior knowledge and the like.

Fig. 1 – The TPACK model


Koehler, M. J., & Mishra, P. (2009). What is technological pedagogical content knowledge? Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 9(1), 60-70

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